terça-feira, 3 de setembro de 2013


If you are using windows as an OS you probably have the ftp (file transfer protocol) available for you to use.

How to access it via DOS?

Very simple.

1 - Go to the start window and type cmd

2 - At the DOS prompt type ftp

3 - Open [the ip address of the other computer you want to access]

4 - Type the user

5 - Type the password

6 - You're logged in.

The commands

!               delete          literal         prompt          send
?               debug           ls              put             status
append          dir             mdelete         pwd             trace
ascii           disconnect      mdir            quit            type
bell            get             mget            quote           user
binary          glob            mkdir           recv            verbose
bye             hash            mls             remotehelp
cd              help            mput            rename
close           lcd             open            rmdir

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